When an electronic assembly fails, do you need to know exactly what failed and why?
When there’s a failure within an electronics assembly, the focus is usually on finding out why and fixing it. The expertise and resources required to do this may not exist in-house, or if they exist, they may be deployed on other projects or tasks. This can mean expensive downtime or delays before the problem is satisfactorily resolved.
Sometimes the immediate crisis is averted, without a proper understanding of what went wrong. In this event it is probably only a matter of time before the problem arises again. Sometimes you may just need reassurance (or evidence) that an appearance discrepancy (such as a stain or colour variation) is no more than an insignificant aesthetic issue.
At ITA Labs, we can take a forensic approach to electronics fault finding and diagnosis. We use a combination of a wide variety of equipment and our accumulated expertise. Our range of techniques for electronics failure analysis includes electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-Ray.
Our testing services are supported by a well-equipped chemical and metallurgical analysis laboratory. This allows electronics failure analysis projects to be completed at one facility through a single point of contact.
We would be delighted to show you around our UK laboratory facilities and in particular, how we provide electronics failure analysis & lab testing services.
To discuss your potential requirements, call Alastair on 01727 871301.
+44 (0) 1727 871301